Teeth Whitening

Whitening Wednesdays for New Year Smiles Plus Your Whitening FAQs Answered Here

If you are not entirely happy with the colour of your teeth, your dentist might recommend teeth whitening.

At Ollie & Darsh, we are proud to offer our clients half-price whitening on Wednesdays. The great weekly treatment offer gives you a 50% discount on any of our 3 fabulous, effective teeth whitening programmes. This includes Phillips Zoom Whitening, Enlighten Whitening, and our very own Ollie & Darsh Home Whitening kits (*FREE to all Ollie & Darsh members).

Have you been thinking of having teeth whitening treatment for a while? Are you unhappy with your discoloured teeth and in need of a New Year smile? Well, now is a great time to address some of your goals and give your smile a boost for a fresh start to 2018!

A simple and effective way to lighten your teeth, teeth whitening treatment will give your smile a renewed sparkle and will improve your self-confidence. Tooth colour is a very individual thing: it can darken as we get older and is affected by staining substances such as coffee, tea, fizzy drinks, and smoking.

How does teeth whitening treatment work?

Whitening lifts off these stains from the enamel and works by allowing a very small amount of bleaching gel to come into contact with the teeth. The gel then reacts with the surface of the tooth, gently and safely removing stains and lightening discolourations.

Is it safe?

Teeth whitening is the safest and most cost-effective way of enhancing the appearance of your smile. The procedure is harmless and causes no permanent damage to the enamel. Teeth whitening has been researched for over 20 years, and there are no adverse reactions to it.

How effective are the results?

With instant results, our three teeth whitening solutions will address a wide range of patient needs. The cosmetic dental treatment is a great way of giving your smile a boost, erasing stains, and helping you to look younger. Following the professional whitening procedure, you’ll recognise a marked difference in the colour of your teeth. You could see your teeth lightened by up to 10 shades!

Can anyone have teeth whitening?

The teeth whitening process is ideal for patients who have healthy, unrestored teeth. But just as some people have lighter teeth than others, some people’s teeth will respond to the tooth-bleaching process to a greater degree. Most people can have teeth whitening, provided they are not pregnant or allergic to the whitening gel. If you have dental crowns, bridges, or veneers, then unfortunately teeth whitening will not be suitable for you as porcelain cannot be whitened.

Is whitening at the dentist better than over-the-counter products?

To achieve the safest and best results, whitening treatment should always be carried out or overseen by a registered dentist. Toothpaste whiteners only clean the stains on the surface and don’t actually change the colour of the teeth. Over-the-counter teeth whitening bleaches are much less powerful than the technology your dentist can use. Toothpaste and other products might have some visible results, but for effective results, we highly recommend a professional teeth whitening treatment at the dentist.

Remember, to protect patients, only licensed dentists and their hygienists or assistants can legally offer teeth whitening services.

What causes my teeth to yellow?

There are many causes of tooth discolouration. Tooth colour is mostly an inherited trait, but in addition to hereditary factors, tooth colour also depends upon the condition of the teeth, general dental health, and lifestyle considerations. External causes include the consumption of staining substances such as coffee, tea, fizzy drinks, and smoking. Internal causes include fluorosis, disease, injury, previous dental work, and the ageing process. Death or injury of the nerve—caused by disease, infection, or trauma—may result in permanent discolouration. However, you’ll be pleased to know that this type of colour change usually responds well to teeth whitening.

How long do results last?

Typically, you can expect laser whitening to last up to two years; however, it will depend on the individual. For the best results, it is advised to avoid coffee, red wine, and smoking, as these all cause staining of the teeth.

Can teeth whitening cause tooth sensitivity?

If sensitivity from tooth whitening is to occur, it will only be during the early stages of treatment. Sensitivity will disappear within 1-3 days of stopping treatment. Tissue irritation most commonly results from an ill-fitting mouthpiece tray rather than the tooth-whitening agent. There will be no long-lasting effects on tooth sensitivity post-whitening treatment.

Which whitening system is best for me?

This will depend on your individual whitening needs and what is most convenient for you. We recommend booking a FREE consultation with our team. We can discuss your whitening goals and advise you on which of our fantastic whitening treatments will best meet your needs and be most clinically suitable.

If you’d like further details about each of our whitening systems, please read our teeth whitening treatment page here:

More About Our 3 Whitening Systems

Teeth whitening can be used as a stand-alone treatment or as part of a complete smile makeover, improving the overall appearance and health of your smile.

Contact us today to discover how teeth whitening can gently remove stains and create a beautiful, pearly-white smile to be proud of.

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